Monday, December 14, 2009

Almost Time for BREAK!!!!!!

This week in Spanish class 12/14/09-12/18/09

Monday: Review game for AR verb quiz.

Tuesday: Review for AR verb quiz tomorrow. Study worksheets.

Wednesday: AR verb quiz. Five questions. Make sure you understand the meaning of the verbs listed in your purple book under classroom activities on page 157.

Thursday: Holiday video. Last Day to turn in any missing test, quizzes, or projects!

Friday: Holiday Video! Have a wonderful break!

Practice the AR verb dance!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Welcome back to Spanish! We will be moving quickly the next few weeks, so it is important you are in class and alert!

Oral and Written test.

Power Point presentation of an explanation of –ar verbs in Spanish. Review how –ar verbs are conjugated. Listening section in purple book.

Wednesday: More review of verb conjugations. Jump travel game.

Thursday: More verbs and vocabulary. Verb ending dance with rumba. Review sheet for ar verbs.

Friday: Review all of the vocabulary with the class. Each student will be given a different vocabulary word. The students will have to make a Christmas ornament of the vocabulary word they have to hang on our Spanish winter tree. The ornament can be 3-D or 2-D. The students must present their ornament to the class and use it in a sentence with a verb.
Here are the directions for the Create your own classroom project

You will create your own classrooms using classroom vocabulary and (ar) verbs. Make a picture of your ideal classroom, and label the classroom objects on the paper. The paper may be no smaller than a sheet of printer paper, but no larger than a half of a poster board. You may also use a small shoe box if you like. You can use pictures from magazines, draw it, or use pictures from online. However, you may not use a pre-created classroom picture from a website. Additionally, you need to write at least ten sentences using (ar) verbs, classroom objects, and vocabulary. Be creative! Have fun with this! Project is due MONDAY, December 14, 2009.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sorry the blog update is late; I was out sick yesterday.

This week in Spanish Class December 1-4th

Monday: Begin viewing Quincinera videos.

Tuesday: Review quiz in class. Make corrections and take notes of the incorrect answers.

Wednesday: Take quizzes home to study with. Complete review packet in class.

Thursday: Review for test in stations. Practice all of the material we have covered this week at home.

Friday: Test! Unidad 1 Etapa 3. Please come in for study sessions if you are having trouble. Wednesday and Thursday at 8: 15. Print out the sheet below for a pass.

Please allow _______________________ to come in at 8:15 for a study session with Ms. McIntire.

Thank you,

Ms. McIntire

Panama Canal

Panama Canal