Lessons Plans for the weeks of April 15th to April 26th

Monday: Finish viewing presentations.
Tuesday: Begin new chapter- U2.E3
Students will begin learning the vocabulary for the chapter within and authentic context. Students will be speaking in groups and in pairs in order to learn and understand the vocabulary. Vocabulary can be found on page 157 in Purple book.
Wednesday: More vocabulary review.
As a class we will cover the remainder of vocabulary terms. Students will focus on placing the words into categories in order to better acquire each of the words.
Thursday: ER and IR verbs
We will begin learning how to conjugate a variety of ER and IR verbs in Spanish. The information regarding verb conjugation can be found on page 158 in purple book. Read ahead in this section to make sure you have a good understanding of conjugating verbs.
Friday: ER and IR verb review
We will review some of the tricks and concepts with conjugating ER and IR.
Monday 22nd-
Irregular verbs in the first person. Students will begin learning how to conjugate verbs that are irregular in the first person and the verb oir( to hear). This information can be found on page 158 of the purple book.
Tuesday: Review of first person irregular verbs and oir. Outside game as a class to help practice verb conjugations.
Wednesday: Learning Matters Day-Recap of vocabulary and grammar from the chapter. We will be in the language lab today.
Thursday and Friday: Review for grammar/vocabulary quiz.