Period 7- New vocabulary in Spanish Chapter 1. Students will review pages 28 and 29 in the textbook. Blue book pages 7 and 9.
Activities 9-11 page 36.
Periods 1,6,8- Review ser and estar rules that we covered the day before. Sing the pronoun songs. Practice saying the conjugations of ser and estar. Students will use Sam and I am to explain the differences between ser and estar and how to use each one.
Periods 1,6,8 Review of ser and estar and pronouns via which cookie activity. Purple book pages 13-15
Periods 1,6,8- Welcome to Disney Land. At each table, there will be some type of review activity. The students will receive a ticket to Disney world in which they will Talley the points within their group and write down something they learned at each station.
Periods 1,6,8- Quick review then quiz.
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