Monday, September 21, 2009

Hope you all had a great weekend!

This week in Spanish class: 9/21/09-9/25/09


Periods 1,6,8- Review of pronouns in Spanish.

Period 7- Introduction to the verb gustar. The students will read the gramatica section on page 39. Page 40 activities 17 and 18.

Periods 1,6,- Review of gustar. Page 8 activities 2 and 3. Page 14

Period 7- Same gustar activities as periods 1,6,8.

Period 1,6,8- Review for test. Page 15 and 16 in the blue book. Page 16 purple book.

Period 7- Sing the me gusta song as a class. Review how the rules are used in the song.

Periods 1,6,8-Complete pages 44-46 in preparation for the test.

Period 7- gustar practice test.

Periods 1,6,8-Test Unit 1

Period 7- Quiz Gustar

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