Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This week in Spanish class: 5/10-5/14
Monday: Ms. McIntire was out!
Tuesday: Review of the verbs estar and venir. Introduce gustar. Study your vocabulary!
Wednesday: Introduce Acabar de. All homework this week is due on Friday. The information needed to write the phone message is under the homework section.
Thursday: Review of Acabar de.
Friday: Review for Speaking test.
Study vocabulary on page 158 of purple book Unidad 3 Etapa 1. Practice talking on the phone in Spanish.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I apologize the post for this week is late!

This week in Spanish class- 5/3/10-5/7/10
We are beginning our Travel through Asia Interdisciplinary unit.
Monday: Simulation of travel through Asia. Students will learn new travel vocabulary in Spanish. The students will rotate to other Spanish classes this week and learn how Spanish culture is related to Chinese culture. The students will also be comparing the languages.
The students will rotate to Ms. Campbell's classroom on Tuesday and Mrs. Ziolkowski's classroom on Thursday.
Wednesday we will have our Cinco de Mayo celebration.
Friday we will be at the ZOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember that if you still have test or quizzes to make up you have until Friday before it goes in as a zero.
Also you have until Friday the 14th to complete all study sessions for re-takes.
Monday, April 26, 2010

This week in Spanish class: 4/26/10-4/30/10
Monday and Tuesday- Finish up review.
Wednesday-Friday: Begin learning Chapter 3.1.
Study the material from this chapter! This is what your speaking test will be on. Remember that THERE ARE NO MORE WRITTEN TEST OR QUIZZES FOR THE YEAR! YOU ONLY HAVE ONE SPEAKING TEST LEFT FOR THE YEAR!
Monday, April 19, 2010

This week in Spanish class: April 19th-23rd
Monday-Friday: We will be reviewing everything the students have learned this year up until now. I want to make sure all students are understanding the basics. We will not have much homework this week, unless students don't finish something in class.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010

This week in Spanish class March 29th through April 1st
Monday: Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz. Remember if you do not get the score you want, you have the option to come in for two study sessions to re-learn what you missed and retake the test/quiz for full credit! DON'T miss out on this opportunity!
Tuesday: Review for the TEST on Thursday. Group review in stations! Ask questions if you are confused!
Wednesday: Review game! Jeopardy! Study hard tonight for your test!
Thursday: TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday: Health Fair and VIDEO!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
This week in Spanish class: 3/22/10 to 3/26/10

Monday: Review of er/ir/irregular verbs. Activities 12-14 in textbook.
Tuesday: ER/IR verb bowling and competition worksheet.
Wednesday: LMD. More practice with verbs. We will be in the language lab.
Thursday: Finish up bowling. Activities 15-19 in Textbook.
Friday: Vocabulary Bingo. Make sure you are studying for your vocabulary/grammar quiz on Monday. Vocabulary can be found on page 157 and grammar on page 158.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Lessons Plans for the weeks of April 15th to April 26th

Monday: Finish viewing presentations.
Tuesday: Begin new chapter- U2.E3
Students will begin learning the vocabulary for the chapter within and authentic context. Students will be speaking in groups and in pairs in order to learn and understand the vocabulary. Vocabulary can be found on page 157 in Purple book.
Wednesday: More vocabulary review.
As a class we will cover the remainder of vocabulary terms. Students will focus on placing the words into categories in order to better acquire each of the words.
Thursday: ER and IR verbs
We will begin learning how to conjugate a variety of ER and IR verbs in Spanish. The information regarding verb conjugation can be found on page 158 in purple book. Read ahead in this section to make sure you have a good understanding of conjugating verbs.
Friday: ER and IR verb review
We will review some of the tricks and concepts with conjugating ER and IR.
Monday 22nd-
Irregular verbs in the first person. Students will begin learning how to conjugate verbs that are irregular in the first person and the verb oir( to hear). This information can be found on page 158 of the purple book.
Tuesday: Review of first person irregular verbs and oir. Outside game as a class to help practice verb conjugations.
Wednesday: Learning Matters Day-Recap of vocabulary and grammar from the chapter. We will be in the language lab today.
Thursday and Friday: Review for grammar/vocabulary quiz.
Monday, March 1, 2010

Looking forward to a GREAT week in class!
Plans for the WEEKS of 3/1 to 3/12
Review new rules. Review vocabulary quizzes. Explain project requirements. Brainstorm for your project. Begin to put your ideas together.
Teacher centered: Answer any project questions. Give students questions to speaking test. Work on projects. Ask any questions you may have.
Teacher centered: Review questions for speaking test. Allow students to ask any questions about what their responses should be. Picture-Speaking activity. Students will discuss what is happening in the picture in their groups in Spanish. In the groups students will complete page 56 in blue book.
Review new rules. Review vocabulary quizzes. Explain project requirements. Brainstorm for your project. Begin to put your ideas together.
Teacher centered: Answer any project questions. Give students questions to speaking test. Work on projects. Ask any questions you may have.
Teacher centered: Review questions for speaking test. Allow students to ask any questions about what their responses should be. Picture-Speaking activity. Students will discuss what is happening in the picture in their groups in Spanish. In the groups students will complete page 56 in blue book.
Speaking test. Online review games with the lab. Give the students different topics and allow them to discuss them with each other in Spanish. Review techniques for writing test. If there is time, work on projects.
Writing test. Review for test. Work on projects once everyone is finished test.
Monday, March 8th
Review of the grammar sections via YES groups. Review as a class for the test.
Speaking test. Online review games with the lab. Give the students different topics and allow them to discuss them with each other in Spanish. Review techniques for writing test. If there is time, work on projects.
Writing test. Review for test. Work on projects once everyone is finished test.
Monday, March 8th
Review of the grammar sections via YES groups. Review as a class for the test.
Tuesday, March 9th
Review homework and page 50 from warm-up. Review game for the test.
Student centered: Practice test taking techniques for the test.
Thursday and Monday:
Project Presentations.
Review homework and page 50 from warm-up. Review game for the test.
Student centered: Practice test taking techniques for the test.
Thursday and Monday:
Project Presentations.
Friday No School!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 22, 2010
This week in Spanish class: 2/22 to 2/26

Teacher Centered: Review worksheet with the class. Re-introduce estar and ser how it is used with saying where people are P.E.L.T. For example: ¿dónde estás? Practice using estar with location.
Teacher Centered: Review worksheet with the class. Re-introduce estar and ser how it is used with saying where people are P.E.L.T. For example: ¿dónde estás? Practice using estar with location.
Tuesday: Question words/ Review of estar
Teacher will review the question words in Spanish. The teacher will say a question word and make a motion that goes with each word to help the students retain it better. As a class we will review some questions using the question words. The students will be broken up into groups and will play a game to help them remember the question words in Spanish. We will review questions as a class. The students will come up with questions in Spanish. As a class we will read the question word grammar section in the book. As a last review we will go over the words again with the motions.
Half Day
Teacher centered: Review of all the difficult vocabulary words. (quiero/hago, etc.) As a class we will review the vocabulary by creating a story in Spanglish. Grouping practice. Each group gets a piece of paper and breaks the vocabulary up into four different categories. First step- they create the categories. Second step- put all of the words into the categories. Bingo 8 squares using vocabulary.
Vocabulary Quiz.
Vocabulary Quiz.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hope you enjoyed your nice long weekend!
February 16th to February 19th
Monday: No School
Finish the review of the pop quiz. Answer any questions student any questions students may have about the packet. Introduce the verb ir. Show how it is used in real life situations without explaining the verb itself. The students will practice using ir by going around and asking a question to someone in Spanish about where they are going.
Periods 1 & 7-Review of the verb ir through practical use and review last nights homework. Teacher will ask questions to students and about other students. As a class we will complete activity 6 together. The students will fill in the correct forms of ir. Period 6 same as periods 1& 7 but in a small group setting. Periods 1-7 story using the verb ir and picture. Period 8- Review of homework. Students will review page 130 in the textbook for an understanding of the verb ir. Review activity 6 in textbook. Possibly read ir story. Pds. 1-7 Speaking Scenario- Period 8- same scenario but written. Review the vocabulario on page 130. Complete activities 7 & 8. Review the activities as a class.
Introduction of time in Spanish. The teacher will start out by showing the time on a large clock. The instructor will start out by saying each hour in Spanish. The students will repeat the time until they have the pronunciation of the words. The teacher will also introduce the term ¿Qué hora es? Or what time is it? Lastly, the instructor will break down the steps for telling time in Spanish. The teacher will show the difference between the right and left side of the clock in Spanish. The students will each receive a mini clock to practice with. The teacher will say a time in Spanish, and the show the time on their clock. The students will do this repeatedly until they understand the concept of telling time on their own. The teacher will play the time song in Spanish for the students. The students will sing the time song 2 times until they have an understanding of the concept.
Monday: No School
Finish the review of the pop quiz. Answer any questions student any questions students may have about the packet. Introduce the verb ir. Show how it is used in real life situations without explaining the verb itself. The students will practice using ir by going around and asking a question to someone in Spanish about where they are going.
Periods 1 & 7-Review of the verb ir through practical use and review last nights homework. Teacher will ask questions to students and about other students. As a class we will complete activity 6 together. The students will fill in the correct forms of ir. Period 6 same as periods 1& 7 but in a small group setting. Periods 1-7 story using the verb ir and picture. Period 8- Review of homework. Students will review page 130 in the textbook for an understanding of the verb ir. Review activity 6 in textbook. Possibly read ir story. Pds. 1-7 Speaking Scenario- Period 8- same scenario but written. Review the vocabulario on page 130. Complete activities 7 & 8. Review the activities as a class.
Introduction of time in Spanish. The teacher will start out by showing the time on a large clock. The instructor will start out by saying each hour in Spanish. The students will repeat the time until they have the pronunciation of the words. The teacher will also introduce the term ¿Qué hora es? Or what time is it? Lastly, the instructor will break down the steps for telling time in Spanish. The teacher will show the difference between the right and left side of the clock in Spanish. The students will each receive a mini clock to practice with. The teacher will say a time in Spanish, and the show the time on their clock. The students will do this repeatedly until they understand the concept of telling time on their own. The teacher will play the time song in Spanish for the students. The students will sing the time song 2 times until they have an understanding of the concept.
Review of telling time. Re-teach the students how to tell time in Spanish. Review the time song. The teacher will ask the questions related with time. She will also introduce the term ¿A qué hora? Or at what time… The students will practice telling what times they do certain things. For instance, wake-up, get dressed, eat, etc. Time video. Students will watch a video about time in Spanish to help them understand it a little bit better.
Independent Practice: Review page 131 in the textbook to help grasp how time is used in Spanish.
Independent Practice: Review page 131 in the textbook to help grasp how time is used in Spanish.
Monday, February 8, 2010
WE HAVE A 4 DAY WEEK THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explanation of BTB week. Saints vs. Colts game. We will begin by reviewing pronouns in Spanish by throwing the ball around and talking using Spanish pronouns. After we review pronouns, we will review ar verbs and how they are conjugated. Pronoun practice and ar verb practice worksheets.
"Dating game" The audience will analyze whether or not the sentence is correct and why.
Sentence build- The students will have to create sentences responding to questions using pronouns and verbs.
Explanation of BTB week. Saints vs. Colts game. We will begin by reviewing pronouns in Spanish by throwing the ball around and talking using Spanish pronouns. After we review pronouns, we will review ar verbs and how they are conjugated. Pronoun practice and ar verb practice worksheets.
"Dating game" The audience will analyze whether or not the sentence is correct and why.
Sentence build- The students will have to create sentences responding to questions using pronouns and verbs.
Love me/Love me not-The students will each get a sign, one that says love me and one that says love me not. The teacher will say a sentence and the students will either flip it to love me if it is correct, or love me not if it is incorrect. Reading comprehension love story. The students will read a love story in Spanish and answer questions about the story. This will help them practice reading comprehension skills and answering questions about passages.
Love me/Love me not-The students will each get a sign, one that says love me and one that says love me not. The teacher will say a sentence and the students will either flip it to love me if it is correct, or love me not if it is incorrect. Reading comprehension love story. The students will read a love story in Spanish and answer questions about the story. This will help them practice reading comprehension skills and answering questions about passages.
Overall review of all concepts. I mastered the basics heart award ceremony.
Overall review of all concepts. I mastered the basics heart award ceremony.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hope you all had a great weekend! The game against Hopewell was amazing! I am very proud of all my students that participated in some way at the game! 

This week in Spanish class- Feb. 1st to Feb. 5th
Students will take the same quiz from Friday, but in English, in order to show them what their mistakes were and why. We will review the quiz to see how much better the students did on the English portion. Review the mistakes that students made. As a class we will review pronouns until the students have a better understanding for what they mean and how they are used. Taboo with vocabulary words. Students will practice the vocabulary words for the quiz via Taboo.
Students will take the same quiz from Friday, but in English, in order to show them what their mistakes were and why. We will review the quiz to see how much better the students did on the English portion. Review the mistakes that students made. As a class we will review pronouns until the students have a better understanding for what they mean and how they are used. Taboo with vocabulary words. Students will practice the vocabulary words for the quiz via Taboo.
Review of the grammar sections via the dot game. The students will be asked questions in groups and they will have to answer them based on the correct grammar section.
The students will complete a review packet similar to help prepare for the test tomorrow. We will go over the review packet in class together. The students will have opportunities to answer any questions they may have regarding the material.
Speaking and Writing test.
Monday, January 25, 2010

Hello Everyone! I hope you had a GREAT weekend!
Week of January 25th to 29th
Students will finish packet from Friday. After students are finished the packet, we will review as a class.
Introduction of Hay que and Tener que. Teacher will read a story. In the story, the character will explain all of the things they have to do. The teacher will then utilize the sentences of the stories to show how the hay que and tener que are used in “real life.” The students will do some practice sentences by using their own mini stories. They will write notes and explain what each part of the sentence is and how it is used in the story.
Students will finish packet from Friday. After students are finished the packet, we will review as a class.
Introduction of Hay que and Tener que. Teacher will read a story. In the story, the character will explain all of the things they have to do. The teacher will then utilize the sentences of the stories to show how the hay que and tener que are used in “real life.” The students will do some practice sentences by using their own mini stories. They will write notes and explain what each part of the sentence is and how it is used in the story.
Song to help remember the meaning and use of hay que and tener que. Power point presentation of sentences using examples of hay que and tener que. A team has to say the sentence they think goes with the picture. Write a paragraph using hay que and tener que as a class. The students will plug in the sentences with the correct forms of hay que and tener que. Bean bag toss. Hay que and tener que. The students toss a bean bag and for each one they hit they say a sentence using hay que and tener que.
Review of quiz questions. Have the students take notes on any key information. Students will take a practice quiz to see how well they do. Who wants to be a millionaire in groups of 3. The students are asked questions in different levels and compete against one another. One person from the groups asks the questions.
Song to help remember the meaning and use of hay que and tener que. Power point presentation of sentences using examples of hay que and tener que. A team has to say the sentence they think goes with the picture. Write a paragraph using hay que and tener que as a class. The students will plug in the sentences with the correct forms of hay que and tener que. Bean bag toss. Hay que and tener que. The students toss a bean bag and for each one they hit they say a sentence using hay que and tener que.
Review of quiz questions. Have the students take notes on any key information. Students will take a practice quiz to see how well they do. Who wants to be a millionaire in groups of 3. The students are asked questions in different levels and compete against one another. One person from the groups asks the questions.
Quiz. Adverbs of frequency.
Quiz. Adverbs of frequency.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This week in Spanish Class: 1/18- 1/22- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!
Monday: No school
Review the vocabulary and grammar quizzes. Answer and questions the students may have about the quizzes. Write down homework assignments. The students will review page 111 on their own and then with their groups. As they review they will fill out a worksheet answering questions about the page.
Review of Worksheet from yesterday for students that did not finish. Overhead sheet and explain how they are used. Introduce the adverbs with frequency phrases through song. Dice game with partners in the hall.
Review the vocabulary and grammar quizzes. Answer and questions the students may have about the quizzes. Write down homework assignments. The students will review page 111 on their own and then with their groups. As they review they will fill out a worksheet answering questions about the page.
Review of Worksheet from yesterday for students that did not finish. Overhead sheet and explain how they are used. Introduce the adverbs with frequency phrases through song. Dice game with partners in the hall.
Put the words into the correct category. Use them in a sentence. Orange, Yellow, Green game. Students will move around the board and use the word they land on in a sentence.
Adverbs with frequency practice.
Put the words into the correct category. Use them in a sentence. Orange, Yellow, Green game. Students will move around the board and use the word they land on in a sentence.
Adverbs with frequency practice.
Monday, January 11, 2010

Hope you enjoyed your three day weekend in the SNOW!!!!!!!!
This week in Spanish class: Jan. 11th- Jan. 15th
Preparation for grammar quiz 2. Finish bowling game using AR verbs and classroom objects.
Preparation for grammar quiz 2. Finish bowling game using AR verbs and classroom objects.
Listening section for pages 102 and 103 in textbook. Q & A about the new vocabulary words. Classroom object Pictionary. The students will be broken into teams and will each try and guess the word in Spanish. They may use their books. Activities 3 and 4, also tambien que dice.
Listening section for pages 102 and 103 in textbook. Q & A about the new vocabulary words. Classroom object Pictionary. The students will be broken into teams and will each try and guess the word in Spanish. They may use their books. Activities 3 and 4, also tambien que dice.
Vocabulary words alphabet sheet. The students will fill in a vocabulary word for each letter of the alphabet. Skits. Students will have to use the vocabulary within authentic contexts.
Activities 5 and 6. Quiz each other on the vocabulario on page 108 in your textbook.
Practice quizzes. A practice quiz for grammar and a practice quiz for vocabulary. Page 36 in purple book. After we review the worksheet and book page, students will play a vocabulary review game. Taboo with vocabulary. They have to describe the word in English, but the students have to say the vocabulary word in Spanish. Boys vs. Girls.
Warm-up: Study for quizzes.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break with your families.

This week in Spanish Class- January 4th -8th
Monday: No School
Brief review of ar verbs. Mata moscos game with ar verbs
Review of warm-up/ar verb conjugations. Introduce new vocabulary by using words in sentences. Students will complete a 25-30 minute scavenger hunt. The students will find pictures around the room that match sentences in Spanish. The students will have to practice using ar verb conjugations. Activities 7, 8, & 9 in textbook if time.
Thursday: AR verb bowl
Review some of the homework assignments. Fix incorrect sentences on the board. AR verb bowling. The students will be divided up into 6 teams no more than 8 bowlers per team. Each student will receive a score sheet just like a regular bowling alley. The students will have to knock down the cans with the ar verb endings on them. The students will then pick up a card and use the verb they have in a sentence. The students receive points per can up to 5 and up to 5 points for correct sentence.
Review some of the homework assignments. Fix incorrect sentences on the board. AR verb bowling. The students will be divided up into 6 teams no more than 8 bowlers per team. Each student will receive a score sheet just like a regular bowling alley. The students will have to knock down the cans with the ar verb endings on them. The students will then pick up a card and use the verb they have in a sentence. The students receive points per can up to 5 and up to 5 points for correct sentence.
Students use the vocabulary words in sentences with verbs in Spanish. Telenovela en español. The students will create Soap Opera skits based on verbs and vocabulary words.
Independent Practice: AR verbs worksheet.
Students use the vocabulary words in sentences with verbs in Spanish. Telenovela en español. The students will create Soap Opera skits based on verbs and vocabulary words.
Independent Practice: AR verbs worksheet.
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