Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This week in Spanish class: 5/10-5/14

Monday: Ms. McIntire was out!

Tuesday: Review of the verbs estar and venir. Introduce gustar. Study your vocabulary!

Wednesday: Introduce Acabar de. All homework this week is due on Friday. The information needed to write the phone message is under the homework section.

Thursday: Review of Acabar de.

Friday: Review for Speaking test.

Study vocabulary on page 158 of purple book Unidad 3 Etapa 1. Practice talking on the phone in Spanish.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Dear Ms. McIntire:

My name is Andreia and I am the owner of the blog http://verbs-in-spanish.blogspot.com. As the name says, the topic of the blog is to teach verbs in Spanish. I am just at the beginning but I am working log and hard to make it good for students all over.

I was wondering if you could place a link to my blog on yours. I am now preparing a page for useful links and will be happy to recommend your blog there as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Panama Canal

Panama Canal