Monday, October 12, 2009

Lesson Plans for the week of: 10/12/09 to 10/16/09

1,6,8- Introduction to articles. Articles Power Point. Articles song.
7- Review clothing and colors. Students will play the “stand up” game. The teacher will call out a word from the new vocabulary, and the students will have to stand if it is describing them. 7- Pages 50-53 in the text book. Page 55 activities 4 and 5. Pages 19 and 20 in purple book.

1,6,8- review article with song. Pages 56-57. Activities 6 and 7Review work from Homework and textbook. 7- Review descriptions and vocabulary with students. Celebrity description pictures.
7- Summarizing activity. Group the vocabulary words. Little person.

Warm-up: Grab a tengo board and fill it out using vocabulary.
Student centered- Tengo vocabulary and article review.

1,6,8- use Tuesday night’s homework to write down a description for each person. Read the descriptions out loud and students will guess who it is. pages 59 and 60 activities 10 and 11.
7- Review vocabulary. Dot game for review.

1,6,8- listen to a song and write down the different articles they hear. Teach articles worksheet

7-Vocabulary quiz.

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