Review new rules. Review vocabulary quizzes. Explain project requirements. Brainstorm for your project. Begin to put your ideas together.
Teacher centered: Answer any project questions. Give students questions to speaking test. Work on projects. Ask any questions you may have.
Teacher centered: Review questions for speaking test. Allow students to ask any questions about what their responses should be. Picture-Speaking activity. Students will discuss what is happening in the picture in their groups in Spanish. In the groups students will complete page 56 in blue book.
Speaking test. Online review games with the lab. Give the students different topics and allow them to discuss them with each other in Spanish. Review techniques for writing test. If there is time, work on projects.
Writing test. Review for test. Work on projects once everyone is finished test.
Monday, March 8th
Review of the grammar sections via YES groups. Review as a class for the test.
Review homework and page 50 from warm-up. Review game for the test.
Student centered: Practice test taking techniques for the test.
Thursday and Monday:
Project Presentations.
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