This week in Spanish class: 10/13/08-10/20/08
Monday: We will be going to the language lab! Students will take an oral quiz using the latest and greatest technology! Each student will be recorded in Spanish, and will have the opportunity to hear themselves speak in another language! How cool!
Tuesday-Thursday: We will begin the classroom unit in Spanish. During this unit students will learn about the various academic classes, such as math, science, etc. The students will also learn vocabulary as it relates to objects in the classroom. We will also begin working with -er and -ir verbs in Spanish. It will be great!
Friday and Monday: Look out, its movie time! We will be watching the Road to El Dorado in SPANISH!

What Hispanic person won the Nobel prize in physics for his discoveries of subatomic particles? When did he receive this award? What country was he from?
Ilove this spanish blog ms.mcintire.Thanks so much for helping.
I love the blog(I expecally like the screen saver on the home page).
Do you think we can use the blog to talk about spanish topics like countries or the immigrants in the U.S.?
Ms. McIntire,
It's Nick from 4 period class I'm Laxstar1. You should make it so we can ask questions with our classmates
Hey Ms. Mcintire I love the blog. We should make this a private blog so we can use our names and have conversations on the blog about spanish.
Thanks, Ms.Mcintire, for making this blog for us. It will really help everyone in everything Spanish!
this has come in handy
thanks ms.mac
Ms. McIntire,
I love this idea and it has been very helpful! This is very beneficial and now there will be no complaints of "I didn't know!" Anyway, I love it!
Creo que este blog es una muy buena idea. Nos ayudará a ser más organizado.
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