I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

This week in Spanish Class: 8/31/09-9/4/09
Period 7- New vocabulary in Spanish Chapter 1. Students will review pages 28 and 29 in the textbook. Blue book pages 7 and 9.
Periods 1,6,8 Practice with ser and estar. Review the rules and the acronyms for the words. Review worksheets from Friday.
Activities 9-11 page 36.
Periods 1,6,8- Review ser and estar rules that we covered the day before. Sing the pronoun songs. Practice saying the conjugations of ser and estar. Students will use Sam and I am to explain the differences between ser and estar and how to use each one.
Period 7-Review new vocabulary words. Students will play the hot cold game with the new vocabulary.
Periods 1,6,8 Review of ser and estar and pronouns via which cookie activity. Purple book pages 13-15
Period 7-Introduce pronouns. Students will learn both of the pronoun songs to figure out what they mean. We will use the pronoun chart in class. Pronoun practice worksheet .
Periods 1,6,8- Welcome to Disney Land. At each table, there will be some type of review activity. The students will receive a ticket to Disney world in which they will Talley the points within their group and write down something they learned at each station.
Period 7- More practice with pronouns. Review by singing the pronoun song. Go over pronoun activity worksheet as a class. "Pronoun Play" games
Periods 1,6,8- Quick review then quiz.
Period 7- CUT IT OUT. Students will be given various magazines and news papers and will find people of things to represent the Spanish pronouns.